[U]nleashed Clan War Rules are as follows
- Do not leave in the middle of a Clan War or it will result in being kicked from [U]nleashed. Unless it is agreed upon by all members that all members leave at the same time due to the other clan hacking, there will be NO RAGE QUITTING!
- All Clan members MUST have Ventrilo and use it during a Clan War. No microphone is required to CW, but it is recommended.
- DO NOT be annoying on Ventrilo during a Clan War. This distracts other players from doing their best during a CW so don't do it.
- Do not leave in the middle of a Clan War or it will result in being kicked from [U]nleashed. Unless it is agreed upon by all members that all members leave at the same time due to the other clan hacking, there will be NO RAGE QUITTING!
- All Clan members MUST have Ventrilo and use it during a Clan War. No microphone is required to CW, but it is recommended.
- DO NOT be annoying on Ventrilo during a Clan War. This distracts other players from doing their best during a CW so don't do it.